Sunday, October 14, 2012

Project 2: PSS

The aim of this project for me was to design a community based product where the community members with the same interests can meet to socialise and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
The ‘Game On’ sports hire PSS is exactly what the name describes, sporting goods hire machine where by a user can sign up at and enjoy the service that is provided. The machine provides a service of rugby, soccer balls and cones for game set out. The product contains 4 soccer balls, 3 rugby balls and 20 cones. The cones are accessed from the rear of the product near to the ball return doors. The cones are dispensed by a spring-loaded system where when a cone is removed another is pushed forward to replace it. When removing and returning the cones a push button on the end of the holding area stops the cones from all just falling out.
Another feature of this product is the compressor unit that is used to fill up the balls when collecting. This is operated by the user and has a pressure sensor in the nozzle to tell how much pressure is in the ball and the fills the ball automatically to the predetermined PSI level for the sports equipment.
This keeps the steps of using the product down to a minimum and makes it easier for the user to interact with the product. This eliminates the chance of damage from over inflation.
The system component of the PSS is the website/app where users visit to sign up and use the system. Consisting of a main page where you can sign up look at locations of product placement, about the product icon, and the sign in icon.
Once signed in users can search via a postcode for the closest ‘Game On’ product to that location and see what games are too play or book a time to hire.
I set out to solve the problem of too much hassle joining community sports based on the barrier of long term commitments and set days for training and games.
This system moulds around your lifestyle so users can chose the days that they would like to play, instead of fitting lifestyle around fitness through sport.
The product although incredibly complex in design, is simple and sleek from the outside. It gives reliable visual cues to the users on how to use the product.  This makes the product an easy to use and hassle free for users

With this product I feel I have accomplished my aims and fully met the studio 3B brief assigned.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Who killed the electric car

Who killed the electric car is an interesting film about the unwillingness for change over to electric cars by the manufacturers.
The film focuses on the californian area by providing the viewer with shocking statistics of the reality of  the poor air quality. This poor air quality is blamed on the high emission cars that company's like honda and GM produce. The government produced legislation to force companies such like the ones mentioned above to provide the market with zero emission cars. They were told that if they wanted to keep selling cars in california they would have to comply with this legislation.

The film shows the whole process of the electric cars design in great detail with an investigatory view, showing the design, manufacturing, speed bumps and set backs and the eventual destruction of the vehicle and the project.

I did find the film a little sad to see how big corporations have such a hold on what other people would call progress. It does show the bad side of the business world where they have the power to really change something and help people but due to what seems like selfish reasons refuse to do so.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Project 1: Cormack

The aim of this assignment was to find an issue with a certain brands packaging and solve the issue stated. The issue that I found was with the hard to open and use tin cans that products such as ‘Milo’ come in. The pressed on lid was a chore for small children and the reality of the situation is that more product is going to end up on the floor or bench then in the consumer’s cup. The packaging restricted the consumer to using a spoon to collect and transfer content from packaging to cup resulting in more opportunity for spilling.
I then set out to provide a solution to the problem of a pourable system that was kid friendly. While working with this concept I found that with a pourable system kids would find themselves over pouring and once again making a mess. So a restrictive pouring system became the focus of my project.
While completing this project I looked at hand comfort visual keys for successful communication and an easy opening and closing method for children. On top of that a design that is eye catching and compliments its personality and functionality as a marketable product. The solution became ‘CHOC MALT’ a fun and playful formed container designed around its unique feature, which is also used in such packaging as fuel stabilizers and similar products. The squeezed partition allows the consumer to completely turn the container upside-down without all the contents falling out.
The form of this product was creating to complement its intended use communicating a pouring action with its gentle curved sides. The slanted top was added to communicate the way in which the product is intended to be stored, as storing the product upside-down would result in ‘CHOC MALT’ not functioning properly as it is intended too.
Sealing this container also became a slight challenge due to its shape and purpose, so three layers of fastening tabs for a press on lid and the introduction of a heat reactive inner seal that fastens itself to the top of the bottle and the bottom of the cap when introduced to a heated environment. The .2-.5mm piece of sealer acts as a wedge for the tabs and acts as a means of tamperproof evidence for the consumer.
Overall ‘CHOC MALT’ is a reasonable and functional solution to the above problem statement that would be a successful product in the chocolate malt/milk market.

Disassembly assignment

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Poster suggested improvements

-Problem can't be seen
-Doesn't look fun
-Can't see how it works properly
-Change wording on funnel description
-different open close -wider
                                 -less fidely
-looks like something you would want to refill
-nothing shows home use
-no indication of target market
-colour, fun
-really more for kids